Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Random Roundup

I haven't been on top of the blog this week as I've been dealing with two little sick girls. It is such a heartbreaking and helpless feeling to watch my daughters suffer through runny noses, croupy coughs, fevers, and a lack of appetite. Fortunately, we were able to rule out Strep after a visit to the doctor. They are both on medicine now and I'm hoping we are on the upswing.

I just tried the Peanut Butter Cookie LARABAR this week and loved it! All natural ingredients and super delicious! Do you have a favorite snack bar or LARABAR?

I always wear my Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor while working out. It is a great form of motivation as I'm always trying to burn more calories with each new workout. Monday I burned 569 calories between a cardio and cardio abs video!

I'm so excited about the arrival of my Madewell Chambray shirt  first seen here on the Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers blog. This is one of my favorite sites. I love Natalie's style so when she recommended this shirt I knew I had to get one for myself.

Below is a picture of my first attempt at making cake pops (or as my daughter calls them Pop Sticks).  My friend Kim from Busy Mom From Southern Maryland brought over a large bouquet of them after I gave birth to C. They were delicious and super adorable! I just had to try making them myself.

I hope you all have a fun weekend planned! We are going to hit up the annual Artfest in our area, if the girls are feeling up to it, that is.

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